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Loan terms are typically 24-44 months to keep a comfortable payment but there is NO prepayment penalty.
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A car title loan is a personal loan that is secured by the equity in your vehicle. The loan amount is based on the vehicle value and your ability to repay, making your credit score a less important factor.
You can keep driving the car while the loan is outstanding and current. Even if the vehicle is not paid off, we can still help if you have equity in your vehicle.
We report to the major credit reporting agencies so making payments to us on-time can improve your credit score.
We can help you with the above if you don’t have what they need. We may be able to get exceptions you do not because of our experience.
The lender will ask you to sign a loan agreement with them. They will also verify the condition of your vehicle and odometer. They will also be placed as a lien holder on the title until the vehicle title loan is paid off.